Thursday, April 24, 2008


Yes, I know all my friends and family have stopped reading my blog because I have not updated. So sorry about that! All is well here, just busy, which is the way I like it!

We have been attempting to get projects done around the house and I'll post some pictures at the end. We are still contemplating putting our house for sale and then renting. We are waiting for God's leading on this one too. We still have some things to do though. I did, finally, rent a storage space. I'm trying to get our embarrassing garage cleaned out. I hate opening the door for the neighbors to see all our junk. Just call us the Clampits (sp?). I planted some calla lily plants our front yesterday, and got some hanging flowers (makes me think of Anacortes) so it's looking prettier. We've got work to do in the backyard though. That darn Riley has been digging....oh puppies! It's a good thing he is cute!

Lately I've been subbing and working on my Mary Kay business. It's going fairly well for the time I have been putting into it. I love it when I make in one hour what I would make in two days subbing! It creates more time in my week when that happens. I'm making enough to keep my car!

This past weekend was the ladie's retreat in WA. I had twinges of sadness all weekend. I hate missing out on going to WA, and I miss my friends! I know boo-hoo!

Here's our kitchen with the new lights.

Here's our computer area.

Here's our living room.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm soooo lame!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update my blog. I have not had an opportunity until now. Life has been good, but busy! I hope to include some pics of the kids at Easter and birthdays. We'll see.......

I subbed today in my favorite first grade class. I am subbing tomorrow also. It's a blessing to sub (when it's not fifth grade).

I promise to write more later. Tonight I don't have the oomph. I will try to load a slideshow though.....