Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ahhh...School and Christmas!

I have to admit, I am enjoying my mornings while the kids are at school. I have not had a morning to myself in 11 years. It's been great. I've set aside Tuesdays to help in my children's classrooms. I think I'm going to attend a Community Bible Study on Thursday mornings. I might sub the other days, but I don't know. I need to sub a few times to finance my trip to Washington for Christmas. I already have 190 dollars saved! If you Washington friends are reading....eventhough I don't update as often as I'd like.....we are coming up during Christmastime! If you will be around, please let me know because I would love to see you all! We are already making plans. We will either leave late on Dec. 20 or really early Dec. 21st. We are planning on staying till about January 2nd. We are driving, and bringing Riley the dog, so we will be there late Dec 22 and will leave very early Jan. 2nd. If you won't be home, we will miss you dearly! It's weird, somehow just knowing I'm going makes me tons happier!

Anyway, I have to go be the homework police now. I'll update again soon!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hello Dear Ones~

I bet you thought I would never update this, didn't ya? Well, as the summer drags on and on and on, I've been busy. Keeping 4 kids from killing each other all day is a full-time job. After looking most of the summer, we finally found a Wii Fit for sale! I like it a lot! It totally made me sweat today, and it has the kids moving! It has Yoga, strength training, aerobics, balancing exercises, and other fitness tests. The kids think the activities are games and are really enjoying it. After putting in some time, you get to unlock new games to keep it interesting. If you have a Wii, I totally recommend it.
As we enter the last week off before school starts, I am thinking about how my home will be empty every school day morning. It is bittersweet. I could definitely use some time to myself, but I will miss my girls being home. I have actually enjoyed being with the kids this summer-just not stuck at home! I will miss them all, but I realize school is just one way to separate a little so that when they leave it isn't so devastating. I'm thinking of getting a job. I applied at the school district, but they didn't really have any openings this year. Please pray for us that God leads us to what he wants for us, and for some financial relief. I will still sub occasionally, but it's not my favorite. It's different than being a regular teacher.
That's it for now!