Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So sorry all...I'm finally updating. Most of you know that over the last month I've had a scary medical drama going on. I found a lump in my breast and went to the Dr. She sent me for a Ultrasound, which raised red flags, then a mammogram two days later, then to an Oncologist who said I needed a biopsy. Last Wednesday I had the biopsy and I've had to wait a week to find out if it's cancerous or not. Wow...has that been hard! It being the night before my appointment is weird. I have never been in such a place of scary unknowing. I can see my appt. going either way. I have also never so profoundly experienced the power of prayer and the peace it gives. No matter how scary cancer sounds, I feel like I will be okay no matter what. I like knowing that I can just trust God. I don't know how people make it through life without Him. Another thing I've learned is that people love me. Sometimes I feel very lonely and isolated in my little Yucaipa bubble and I forget. I thank all of you who demonstrate that love in such a Christlike way. I am humbled and deeply grateful for my wonderful friends and family. I love you all and I'll update what I find out tomorrow.
Until then, keep praying!
Love you all,


Unknown said...

Big day tomorrow. Big night tonight. I will be praying.

Gpaw Jimmy said...

Fear not my dear daughter and be at peace. You are covered by prayer and surrounded by the love of many.

Muddlin' Mother said...

Janice, I'm so sorry and know that you are not alone in your Yucaipa bubble! I'm praying for you - please let everyone know what you find out and if you need ANYTHING at all, I'm just down the street!

Joanna Christiansen said...

Praying for you! I think the waiting would have had me climbing the walls. I'm here for you.

Love Joanna

Unknown said...

I love you little sister!