Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Online Christmas Card

Hi Dear Friends and Family!

I included my blog address for many friends and family to be caught up on our year. It has been a doozy! To start, back in February, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was a really dark and terrifying time, but by God's grace we pressed on. In March I started chemotherapy which I finished on my birthday on June 26. My Mom, the wonderful lady that she is, came in March and stayed to help until September. She was a huge help and blessing. I don't think we would have made it without her! I was allowed to rest about a month after chemo and I had surgery at the end of July. I had a double mastectomy, which was by choice. I only had cancer on one side, but I opted to do both sides to prevent any chance of recurrence. I also did the first phase of reconstruction with the surgery, so I only have one to go (probably late spring or early summer of '10). After that, the pathology report was good and all the cancer was gone. In October, I began radiation. I had 30 treatments (Mon-Fri) every day until the week after Thanksgiving. With the main bulk of the treatments being over I am now going to the Dr. every three months as follow up. I also have a drug infusion every three weeks that is specific to the type of cancer I had. That was a very short synopsis of the past 11 months, but overall I would say that I fared really well. God has been with me through it all and has brought many people to my aid. I have received well over 60 meals from some of the loveliest people! I have received the nicest cards and well wishes! I have learned to trust God even when I'm terrified...

Now, to the rest of the family. Andrew is working at Loma Linda University and loving it. They just gave him an additional contract so he can quit his part-time graveyard job that he doesn't like. He is very happy about that. His job is a blessing! He is also getting his Master's degree. Noah, our oldest son, is in 7th grade. He is doing it at home for an online public school. We thought he needed more of our influence at home at this time. He is as spunky as usual! Kyle is in 5th grade this year and doing great. He was accepted into the GATE program because of his excellent test scores. We are really proud of him. Lauren and Brooklyn are in the first grade. They are in the same class and are adapting well. Brooklyn had a difficult time adjusting to a full day of school. They have all dealt with the whole cancer ordeal remarkably well! Besides my full time job of cancer, I still manage to sub at the kid's school once in a while. Mostly, I'm home with Noah doing 7th grade! I'm finally learning algebra! Ha! Ha!

Overall, we are all doing great right now. There are chances that cancer could return or have complications from treatment, but right now we're good....and we'll take it! I like the saying, "God is good...all the time." It's so true! God bless you this Christmas and always!

With love,
Janice & The Family

Brooklyn's School Picture

Lauren's School Picture

Kyle's School Picture

Noah's School Picture

Brooklyn (green) and Lauren (pink) singing at a school performance.

Noah (his hair is much longer and shaggier now!)

Here's Kyle!

Our dog Riley!

My first day of chemo. Friday the 13th of March!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Janice! It's been way too long since I read your blog. I didn't know you had surgery. Wowza. What a testimony to hear all you've been through and that you're still trusting God. I love you, friend - even though I haven't shown it in my contact. Hearing you received over 60 meals lets me know lots of people are, though!
You have remained in my prayers. May 2010 bring many blessings for you.