Thursday, September 1, 2011

School Can't Start Soon Enough!

Hello!  It's less than a week away till school starts and we are ready!  School supplies are purchased.  School clothes are waiting to be worn.  Fees have been paid for middle school and high school.  The middle school and high school already have had their pictures taken!  I am grateful for the long break my kids had but am ready to send them back!  They are ready too, I can tell.  They are starting to argue over meaningless things just for sport.  At this moment they are arguing about how much water on the bathroom rug is too much from the shower...who is smacking their mouth too much when eating (it's always the one not eating who's complaining!) ...and my favorite, someone lopping over into their square on the couch.  Did I mention that I cannot wait till next Wednesday?

One great thing happening this week is that Andrew finally, after 3 years, finishes his Master's Degree.  He will be for real more to do...zilch...nada!  He was allowed to graduate in June because he had 2 classes left to finish, but that was not really the end till now!  I am very proud of his hard work over these three years which would have only been two if it weren't for my stupid cancer treatment.  To commemorate, we will be going out to dinner with some friends.  Yay! 

So we are finishing up some old things and starting some new...that's just the way I like it!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Feeling Lucky!

I am reveling in the joy of living where I do.  It seems surreal to live here.  I asked my husband the other day when it would stop feeling like I'm on permanent vacation.  He doesn't feel that way because he's working really hard; but I do.  I been doing touristy things such as going to local berry farms suggested in Sunset magazine, enjoying Washington State parks, and taking a ferry to a nearby island. The funny part is that I didn't partake in these things when I lived here before.  Maybe it was because my kids were small, but really I think it's because I didn't appreciate it fully.  It wasn't until I left that I regretted not doing more.  I can tell that people who have lived here a long time don't know that they are lucky.  I walked out of the grocery store this morning and saw the marina with sailboats across the street.  It beat the Rite Aide with the weed-filled field behind it at my previous grocery store any day!  I am a person who is easily bored, so enjoying where I live is important.  I am going to commit to enjoy this place to the fullest!  When I feel discontent creeping in, I will go look at the view from my front porch and thank the Lord for allowing me to return!

I hope you enjoy the view from your front porch too...wherever you are!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello, I'm back!

After a six-month hiatus, I am back.  It's been a heck of a six months and I have not had time to update.  My last post was back in January.  That was three surgeries and a two-state away move ago!  Luckily, I am done with surgery for a while and I hope I don't ever have to move again!
We were so blessed to move back to our favorite place, Anacortes, Washington at the end of June.  We are slowly getting settled and getting our stuff put away.  The funny part of our move is that we moved into our old house.  We are leasing it this time, which is weird.  I told Andrew I will become a squatter if they don't sell it to us because I really don't want to move...ever!  Andrew's Mom said, "There's nothing worse than touching everything you own.!"  It is so true!  I have found some advantages to moving into a house where you once lived:  1) You already know the neighbors. 2) There are nail holes from things you once had up on the wall....a big time-saver!  3) You already know where most of your stuff will go.  These factors have made our transition easier!
Well, that's it for now.   It's good to be back!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some Thoughts.....

I have some random thoughts to share with you today.  They are in no particular order; they will be just as I remember them:
1.  I discovered I like my boys playing the sport of basketball.  It provides 2 nights a week of physical 
     activity, which they need, and an hour of peace for me.  I also like that it is indoors.  I am not the 
     kind of girl who likes to freeze outside to watch sports....nope, not at all.  I am enjoying watching
     my boys learn and grow.  I am also amazed at how many kids trip playing this happens a lot!
 2.  I got a Gypsy last night.  It goes with the Cricut Expression I got at Christmastime.  That thing is so much fun!  The Cricut (pronounced~cricket) will cut out letters, shapes,  and a multitude of other things.  I tried being a scrapbooker (who it is made for) but that didn't work out.  I do like making cards, making gift tags, having nice looking letters to put on things, etc. ,so it works for me too!  The Gypsy just helps to design things to cut out on my Cricut.  I have so much to learn!

3.  I am getting ready to have my reconstruction surgery on January 24.  It's going to be a bigger surgery than I had anticipated and I'm not looking forward to it...just to getting it done!  It includes a tummy-tuck so at least my stomach will be flatter!  My fabulous parents will be coming to help.  Thank heaven for them!

4.  Verizon is putting out an iPhone at the beginning of February.  I've been saying I wish they would for a long time!  I'm really trying to figure out how to afford one...and the monthly fee that would incur...I'm trying not to get excited!

Well, that's my random thoughts for now...Take Care!