Friday, March 13, 2009

What To Wear?

After completing my first chemo treatment today and doing fairly well, I started thinking how weird it is that all my hair will probably fall out before the next one on April 2nd. I am now trying to figure out a hair plan. I've never had to have a hair plan before, so this is new for me. I've always had so much hair that the fluffiness of it made hats look weird and scarves slide out. My hairdresser is going to cut and color a human hair wig to look pretty close to my current style, but I need other things too. For example, am I going to sleep bald? That seems weird...Or, just hanging out at home, should I wear a scarf? Most of the hair things, honestly, look like something a Grandma would wear. I've seen some cheap wigs that look like Little Orphan Annie and Carol Brady...but none that look like me. It's a very weird concept, but I'm sure I'll find something. If all else fails, I'll make something myself. At least I have a sewing machine!

Have a great night~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Was At Pottery Barn Today.....

I had the sad job of taking my Dad to the airport today. After three weeks, he went home. My sister came too. We decided to do something fun to cheer ourselves up so we went to Victoria Gardens. We got there before it opened so we had some coffee while we waited. We then went to GAP, GAP kids, and many places including Pottery Barn. I can't help it, I love that store! If I lived near a Pottery Barn or a Williams-Sonoma I would try to get a job there (just for the discount!). Anyway, we had fun despite the sad circumstances. I found some fleur-de-lis soaps but they were $25! Yikes! Needless to say, they stayed at the store!
I just found out I'm probably going to have my first chemotherapy session on Friday! AHHHH!!! I DON'T WANNA GO! God is with me though, and that is my comfort!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Lady In Waiting....

I am a lady in waiting. I'm waiting and waiting for information. Honestly, it's getting rather tiring. This Tuesday, March 10, I will FINALLY by meeting with the oncologist. I will then know the whos, whens, hows, and whys of my condition. The Dr. that gave me the bad news didn't tell me much. Since then I have gotten a bone scan (which was clear), a PET CT scan (for tumors), a heart scan, a genetic test, and a MRI. I will get the results of these other tests and hopefully find out when chemotherapy will start. We are praying that everything comes back fine and the cancer has stayed put. My Dad has been here for nearly three weeks and it has been heavenly. I haven't had to worry about the kids and I've had company for some tests so I didn't have to go alone. I am very grateful for that! Thanks Dad! Thanks Mom for living without him for so long! My Dad goes home on Wed. :( but on the brighter side, my brother comes on Thurs....and my Mom won't be long in following him so I won't be alone too much! We are looking forward to seeing them!

Well, that's it for now. I will update more later, and hopefully have something better to write about than stupid cancer!
Thanks for praying! It's really helping!

P.S. We set up a CaringBridge site for those interested in up-to-date information on my cancer treatment so I don't always have to talk about it here.