Monday, February 25, 2008

My Celebrity Soulmate

Take the Quiz

I have to admit I took the quiz several times! to get a different soul mate! First, I got David Beckham (sp?) then I got Brad Pitt. Since I'd never be remotely attracted to those two dimwits, I kept trying. At least this time, I got someone attractive! Minus his viewpoints and personality, I believe I came out a winner!

Love, Janice

P.S. I think he looks more like Pierce Brosnan than George Clooney!

Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday!

Hello all! I don't know about you, but I am so glad it's Friday! It's been a long week with Science projects being due, kid's homework, kids coming over, etc.

Yesterday, the girls got their kindergarten shots. Yes, I do agonize over them. I hate knowing they will be in pain. They got two in each arm, 4 total, yikes! I did take them, and their cousin Grace, to get an ice cream afterward, but their arms are still a little sore. Poor dears!

Today I'm working on paying bills, cleaning house, going to the grocery store, etc. We are out of everything!

Over the next ten days, I will be watching the neighbor's giant yellow lab named Clover. I should have some interesting stories to report with her and Riley together. Or, it may not be any different having one more giant animal (in addition to all the other ones) bounding around the house! What's one more? I tell you, this place is crazy sometimes! It keeps life interesting, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Love ya,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Done!

My taxes are done. I e-filed them, so I should get my refund by Feb. 29. I still hope I did them right. If I did err, it's to my own detriment. Anyway, it feels good to be done with that! I usually have them done by now. I seem to be behind on many items lately!

Another big thing to check off is that Noah turned in his science project today. Those always give me a headache. Any big project means work for me too. I have to make him do it. Next year both Noah and Kyle will have to do one. I'm really looking forward to that...yeah, right.

I can't believe I register the girls for kindergarten starting March 3rd. They still seem too little to send to school. I'm really not prepared for the gaping hole they will leave when they go. I need to start mentally preparing myself now. Most people get to let go one at a time. I have to let go of two at once. It will be the same pang of hurt when they go through all their milestones and added to that;they are the babies!

Now that my projects are done, I'm back to my regular stuff: picking up that toy for the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th time, laundry, cleaning up just about everything under the sun, picking up that toy again, cleaning up the snow globe Brooklyn broke yesterday, picking up something Riley has chewed up, toy again, preparing food......all in a day's work. I'm waiting for something exciting to happen~I'll be sure to let you know when it does! I do have a hair appointment today; now that's something to get excited about!

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Two Sure Things

Yes, you guessed it...death and taxes. I'm doing the latter. Fun, fun.... Every year it makes me feel very stupid. I've done Turbo Tax for the last few years and with my Mary Kay business, I'm getting stumped. I think I'm doing this right, but who knows? Do I just do what I think is right and risk it, or do I pay money I don't have to a professional? I'm so scared to be audited, but I do buy their insurance that they will handle it if it happens. Most of all, I need this refund!
In addition to taxes, today was BORING! Sundays are often boring. I can't stand to be bored. I hate having a holiday weekend with nothing to do, and no cash. It makes me have a pity party of gigantic proportions, especially when I see others leaving to have fun for the long weekend. HO-HUM! I just keep telling myself, "Great is my reward in heaven." I did have some fun this week to be grateful for, but that was so yesterday!
To keep my attitude in check, I'll tell you the top ten things I'm grateful for today (in no particular order).
1. I'm actually getting a tax refund and I don't owe!
2. My family is healthy.
3. My house is not in foreclosure, yet. :)
4. God loves me.
5. Chocolate, need I say more?
6. My newest Mary Kay friends (They are very nice and encouraging).Old friends too!
7. My husband loves me despite myself.
8. Disneyland annual passes.
9. I am my dogs person.
10. I live in the United States.

Yes, I'm very grateful indeed!

Love you all,

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day at Disneyland

Hello all! We had the best day at Disneyland yesterday. We met our Washington friends, the Auslands, and spent the day together. This year at Disneyland is called The Year of A Million Dreams (or something like that) and they give away prizes. I had not gotten one till yesterday. They gave 3000 people an extra hour in the park. After Disneyland closed, they rounded us up into an area until everyone had left the park. We danced the chicken dance, the hokey pokey, in a conga line, and then they let us free for one hour to ride as many rides as we wanted. We got to ride four rides, which is pretty good for an hour, and the park was virtually empty. 3,000 people in Disneyland looks just like a few! It was so great to be with our friends who we miss so much! It was great to see you Ausland family!

Today, we are recoving from our "Disneyland hangover", but clinging to happy times.
Have a happy day!

P.S. I put a couple pictures on my mobile blog. Sorry they are not the best!


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hi There

Hello friends! I hope you are all doing well. We are doing fine. Andrew arrived home safe and sound and all of the children are still alive:0)

I have to admit it is SO nice having Andrew home on a Saturday. I've spent so many home by myself and I hate it. We got many things accomplished that we have not had time to work on. I don't know how we'll handle the lack of finances from him not working, but we will enjoy having him home. Please keep praying about that. We are considering putting our house up for sale. It could be a short-term solution for some problems. Our house really is too small for all of us and the payment is too high!

We have moved down to a one TV family (well, only one connected to cable). We do have a small one for kid movies. One of our big TVs is broken so we went down to one. They were competing with each other anyway. I'm hoping we watch less as a result. I'm finding that I can live with a lot less TV as I get older. It feels like such a time waster. We have also given up keeping soda in the house. I know, that's a big one! I am a self proclaimed diet coke aholic; however, we decided we were all drinking too much soda so it's helping us to drink less. The kids get juice, milk, or water. I usually have iced tea or water. The kids can have soda when we eat out, go to other places, etc. Noah thinks he is going to die from this!
I am actually doing okay. Sometimes I still make a trip to 7-11 though! ( Amy, George misses you.)

Well, it's bath time for the girls. I hope you are all having a good weekend. I love you all!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Viva, Las Vegas!

Andrew left for Las Vegas today. He is going to a conference for radiology something or another. He isn't coming back till Friday. I'm trying hard not to hate him feel sorry for myself. I'm the one who likes to go and do things. He is planning on doing lesson plans in his free time.....I'm thinking, "What in the world? I will never figure out that man!" He was saying it wasn't going to be much fun because he will be in meetings all day. I'm thinking, "It's quiet, no one is whining, you get to eat out....what's not to love?" This trip is totally wasted on him up my alley. And do you think anyone is going to fawn over me help me in my hour of need in being totally alone with the kids (like they do when he is alone). I'm guessing no......but I'm not bitter....:)

I do know that I will survive! I always do!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

To post or not to post?

There are some days when I don't have much to say. This is one of them. I know, some of you, check for updates frequently. In an effort to not disappoint you, I try to find a tidbit to write. Today I helped in the boy's classrooms which I always enjoy. I voted (Yay me!). I picked up dry cleaning. I had a small skinny latte'. I mailed a Mary Kay product to a customer. Just a normal day.....

I do, however, have a prayer request. I mentioned previously that Andrew stopped working on Saturdays. He was told he was going to be given another job, so he gave a month's notice to give up Saturdays. Well..the other job called him Friday to tell him...."Yeah, we're not going to hire you after all"....So they strung him along for a month and now we are trying to find something to fill the gap. We cannot afford to go on without that income so please pray that we find something soon or that Mary Kay/ subbing really heats up. We are in need of something quick, so please pray for that too. We are stressing a little, but we know God is taking care of us. We do appreciate your fervent prayers on our behalf.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I'll let you know how God answers!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Nice Day

It was a nice day today. We had a Mary Kay customer appreciation day and I took my best customer, my sister. It was fun to spend time with her without kids. Andrew stopped working on Saturdays (I'm biting my nails, financially, over that one) so I was free to go to this event. Melissa, of course, looked lovely after her color class and she had a fun time.

Andrew spent the day doing a few needed projects which always feels good. His Dad helped him get those done. I also got to get a pedicure which is always nice. It was time to get rid of the Christmas trees from my toenails!

We spent the evening watching my niece, Grace. Melissa watched my kids so we could go out last night and we are watching her daughter tonight. It is so nice to trade!
As I sit here, the kids are giggling and getting in trouble because they are supposed to be in bed. I'm getting the last laugh though because they don't know it's only 8:30 pm! He! He!

Here's hoping you get time to yourself,

Friday, February 1, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

I have been tagged my friend, Teri.
The Rules:
1. Find the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Find page 123.
3. Find the first 5 sentences.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag 5 people.

Here it goes: The book: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

"After all, none of us likes to be criticized. Our reaction to criticism is usually to become defensive and/or withdrawn. A person who feels attacked is likely to do one of two things: he will either retreat in fear or shame, or he will attack or lash out in anger."


I like this little book. It's a "bathroom book" and the little segments are handy. There are many pearls of wisdom in it.
Have a good day.